Dishwasher drawers, or “dishdrawers,” are quickly becoming a popular new solution for automatically washing dishes. Traditional dishwashers use a good deal of water and energy to run every load no matter what size, meaning that smaller wash loads are often very wasteful.

Dishdrawers are typically smaller than full-size dishwashers, and often feature two separate, independent drawers. If you have a small dishwashing load, you can simply use one drawer that uses a fraction of the water and energy a full-sized dishwasher might use. Homeowners love the smaller size, higher energy and water efficiency, and specialized compartments for all of their delicate kitchenwares.
Are Dishwasher Drawers Worth Buying?
Absolutely! Dishdrawers are technologically-advanced, even more so than newer full-sized dishwashers, and any additional costs on the price tag are worth the savings and convenience dishdrawers provide.
Instead of throwing open a huge full-size dishwasher door and potentially hurting yourself or others on its edges, dishdrawers pull out easily, and only need to be opened a few inches to put dishes into them. Smaller dishwashing loads are a definite plus as well: you’ll use less energy, conserve water, and the wash takes less time.
That doesn’t mean you can’t wash the same amount: many dishwasher drawers come with two drawers that can run simultaneously to handle the same capacity of a full-size dishwasher. The smaller form factor, newer technology and smaller load size means that dishdrawers are ultra-quiet as well.
Consider a Dishwasher Drawer for Your Kitchen Remodeling Project
Our customers ask us all the time: “who even needs a dishwasher drawer?” If you are concerned that older appliances in your outdated kitchen are using too much energy or water, a dishwasher drawer would be perfect for you. If you want to open up more floor space in your kitchen, a dishwasher drawer system is perfect. If you don’t produce very many dirty dishes, you can clean them efficiently and easily with a dishwasher drawer.
When you consider all the savings you’ll enjoy from a high-efficiency, low-impact, super-convenient dishwasher drawer unit, the added expense for new amenities suddenly gets a lot cheaper.
Consult our kitchen remodeling professionals today and let us show you other exciting ways to cut your renovation and energy costs without sacrificing luxury and technology.